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& Herbe

Art and Herbe; ‘ Our nod to artistic appreciation’: 


Our Creative Director, Rose Louey is a Melbourne- based Fine Artist. Responsible for the artwork featured on our packaging. Beginning as a Printmaker specialising in etching and aquatint; her attention to detail and fine craftsmanship has been aligned with Herbe from the beginning. Rose’s imaginations of a higher reality whereby animals and people are two of the same, invite a sense of eerie wonder and ethereal beauty into her work.  She allows space for imagination, an integral component to the Herbe fragrance. 


Dismissing agitated and overpowering scent, Herbe requests space for allure and wonder. It creates its own personality dependent on the wearer. 


Rose has continued to work in a specialised field of Visual Merchandising, and is presently working towards her new Art show in early 2018 displaying her most recent collection of Watercolours. Stay curious and in touch to see her work alongside our products in our Product Launch coming up soon:  An evening of celebrating good design. Further creative projects, including a short film dedicated to the ‘Herbe Perfume Ritual’, due to commence in 2018.

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